Friday, June 29, 2007

The Race …

One upon a time there was an Arabian rowing team ...

Arabian team and Japan agreed to do an annual rowing race ...

Each team should contain 8 men …

Both teams worked really hard to get in the best shape ...

The day the race started both teams were in similar condition …

The Japanese won by one mile …

The mood in Arabian team was really chose to the freeze point

The top manager decided to win the race next year...

so they established a team of analysts to observe the situation

and recommend an appropriate solution…

After several detailed analysis tha team found out that...

Japanese had 7 rowers and only one captain …

Of course the Arabia team had 7 cabtin

but only one rower ॥

Facing such critical scenario the manager showed
an unexpected wisdom...

they hired the consulting company to restructure the Arabian team …

After several months the consultants came up with the conclusion that there were too many captains and too few rowers in the Arabian team … a solution was proposed based on this analysis … the structure of the Arabian team has to be changed …

As of today there will be only 4 captains in the team lead by 2 managers ,one top manager and one rower … besides that they suggested to improve the rower's working environment and to give him higher competencies…

Next year the Japanese won by 2 miles …

The Arabian team immediately displaced the rower

from the team based on his unsatisfactory performance …

But the bonus a ward was paid to the managers for strong motivation the team showed during the preparation …

The consulting company prepared a new analysis which showed that the strategy was good ,the motivation was O.K , but the used tool was to be improved …

Currently the Arabian team is designing anew boat ..

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Life in 2100 …!!

I read subject in one book, it has talked about life in the future ..

And what will happen next century ..??

It has described a lot of things will be at that time …such as the air line of the future ..

It says " there will be just two crew members, pilot and a dog. The pilot's job is to feet the dog. The dog is job is to bite the pilot if he tries to touch anything "..


I don't know if this will happen or not, but may ..!!

I think next century people will be so lazy, coz they will depend of the power of science, coz stupid people will still stupid, and they won't understand the technology ..

I think there's no a doubt if I said " I’m optimistic about the future coz our life will be more than interesting .. but as the same as I'm so pessimism coz we won't make any control about anything in our life .. "

In really I want to ask... will we make a control about the poor country..?? or what will happen in Iraq, Lebanon, Iran and plaplapla?? …will we still in this status ..?? and the human behavior will still like what is it today ..??

I don't know if you agree me or not, but if anyone tries to think about life in the future, I think he should be make a lot of question in his mind ..??

And to have a right answer would require one to be imagination person, objective and wise

Are you optimistic or pessimism about the future .??

Are you ready for the changes that will come ..??

Hahah… are you ready if you won't find any place to life and you must be live in space ?? haha ya go now … !!

What will happen with these blogs .. any thing what will happen with it ..??

About me I'm sure I'll die .. so just I can laughing about what will happen ..

And I hope god give you all nice long life .

xxx.. .

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


قال عاقل :

أحبب بغيضك حبا ما ... عسى أن يكون حبيبك يوما ما ..

وأبغض حبيبك بغضاما ... عسى أن يكون بغيضك يوما ما...

Monday, June 11, 2007

our ages...!!!

Do you think old people should act their age ..???

Do you think they should stop being silly and act their ages ..!!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

حوار مع سيجارة ...

لماذا تفعلين بي ما تفعلين ....!!!؟

فأجابت وهي تتحول الى رماد ...

أنا علب ملونة ..ومنها انت تختار ....!!!؟

هان لأجل المال والدار...

أعاديكم وتحموني ....!!!؟

وبالاموال تفدوني ....!!!؟

وبالرئتين تغذوني ....!!!؟

فعلام تلوموني ....!!!؟

وأنتم لا تعادوني ....!!!؟

وإلى الأمراض أدعوكم

تعالوا يا أحبائي

لأقتلكم بأوبائي

واهدافاً لأدوائي

لقد سممت أجواءك

وناري اصبحت داءك

فكم آذيت أبناءك

وكم أحرقت أحشاءك

مقامي في الشرايين

كوسواس الشياطين

أنا الأمراض أجمعها

أنا السرطان والقار

أنا الذل واخطار

وعند الموت أشكال...

....من منشورات الهيئة العامه للبيئة

Saturday, June 2, 2007

منطق الحب ...

لم أسمع يوماَ أن الحب مهانة .. وأن المحب مذلول ..

أو أن للمحب عقلا يحسب المنطق والصحيح والمعقول ..

أعلم أن قلب المحب زنزانة عقله .. فهو ذو فكر مشلول ..

ولكني لن أرضى أن يظلم الحب .. فإسمع ما سوف أقول :..

الحب فرس جامح فك لجامه ليركض في الغابات والحقول ..

لا تنظر منه أن يطرق باب قلبك .. طالبا الاذن للدخول ..

بل إنه سيجتاح قلبك بوداعة الحمل وشراسة الغول ..

ستحب ذات يوم ولن تستطيع بعده الحؤول ..

فإياك أن تدير ظهرك فستكون كمن يديرها لسيف مسلول ..

فلا تحسبن حينها أن قسوة القلب ستكون أجدى الحلول ॥

... أحلى الأسامي ...